Heavy Hotties presents Jennica Lynn in Here’s magnificent Jennica Lynn releasing her big tits to you on the beach in the Caribbean by way of Florida by way of England by way of Sweden.
Big tits is the wrong term here. It’s a major understatement. Jennica is blessed with massive breasts. And they are correspondingly heavy. “I think they weigh about 5 kilos all together,” says Jennica. At 2.5 pounds to the kilo, that’s 12.5 pounds total breast weight. “I weighed them! I used the chord from a bath robe to tie them up and used a scale to weigh them. I was interested. They’re heavy. I wanted to know how much they weigh.” Fantastic!
Previously, you’ve seen Jennica’s Come Along With Us video-log as she traveled to the island paradise, her kitchen play and her original Meet Jennica Lynn introduction plus the video Taking Her Measure.